What is the CHIp Hub?
The CHIp Hub was an empty corner shopfront that has been repurposed as a community space. A place to sell handmade & vintage products, exhibit artwork, a venue for events and meetings and a safe, free spot to just simply hangout in the town centre. We also have a partnership with GET who provide the community with free books. There’s tea and coffee for a voluntary donation and occaisionally biscuits too.
How does it work?
We have unlocked the space for the community but it requires the community to make CHIp a buzzing place to be. We welcome local traders, artists, crafters and friendly volunteers to come and occupy the hub. People can organise meetings during open hours and hire the space in the evenings and Sundays for events. The Hub is a flexible space that can be accessible for all.
How much does it cost?
We aim to be as fair and affordable for the usage of the space. The prices below are current example rates, however it will be discussed should you be interested.
Traders - £50 per week for section of Hub
Traders - £20 per week for a stand
Traders - £10 per week for a shelf
Traders - £5 per week for a cubby hole
Artists - £10 per week for an easel + 20% commission if sold
Venue Hire - During opening hours - Free/ Voluntary Donation
Venue Hire - Evenings/Sundays - £10 per hour for individuals, £20 per hour for organistions.
How to get involved?
If you are interested in using the space or becoming a volunteer for the CHIp Hub please complete a simple form here or you can contact us directly in the contact form here
Visit Us
47 St Nicholas Street